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Air Force Weather



Roster Updated December 2023!

ATTN:  Due to the high cost of postage, all correspondence, newsletters, reunion info, etc. will be sent to members via email.  Update your email address to stay connected.

June 1987 AWS Observer!
Celebrating 50 years.

AWA Logo

Missing/Lost members

The 2025 Newsletter and Registration form are now available.  The newsletter has a registration form and you can download either.


Book your hotel reservations at the Dayton Marriott using the link below. 

NOTE!! IMPORTANT!!  When using the link below, you will see the start date as April 22.  The reunion starts on the 23rd. which is the traditional check-in day. Any activities will begin on the 24th. DO NOT use the 22nd as your check-in day as you will get a "sold out" notice. You can adjust your arrival and depart dates to suit your plans. 

Here's your reservation link to make reservations:

Book your group rate for Air Weather Association Reunion

You will find the information for your online reservation link below. If you have questions or need help with the link, please do not hesitate to ask. We appreciate your business and look forward to a successful event.

Event Summary:

Air Weather Association Reunion

Start Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2025

End Date: Sunday, April 27, 2025

Last Day to Book: Friday, March 28, 2025

Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:

  • Marriott at the University of Dayton for 148 USD per night

Book your group rate for Air Weather Association Reunion



Missing/Lost members list.  We have no valid contact info for these folks who are members of the AWA.  If you know anyone on the list, please have them get in touch with us.  See the list

The AFWX.ORG test site is available It is a work in progress so some links may not work.

17 Jan 24 interview with Travis Sanford thats pretty good/interesting.  He spent a few years at DM before transitioning over to the SOWT side of the house. Click link below for podcast.

January 2024 Newsletter now available, read it here.

Combat Weather site is back online at  Thanks to Johnny Reid for the heads up.

Reunion 2023 in Sterling, VA is in the books! Reunion pictures are finally available for viewing. Some sets have multiple pages.  Have a look here.

During the Reunion, at the Saturday Banquet, tribute was paid to Kevin and Carol Lavin for all their contributions to the Air Weather Association.  Several videos are available through this link, Watch the Videos. The videos are only available through that link.

2022 Newsletter

Roster updated December 2023

To help remember and honor our fallen weather warriors on MEMORIAL DAY 2021, member Craig Kirwin produced a video, showing names and many photos.
Craig has been researching the fallen warriors of USAAF and USAF Weather Personnel for many years and has found many more for this video since the last printed list in THANKS CRAIG!

The first digital only publication of the USAF THOR'S NOTAM Weather Airman's Magazine is now available to interested AWA members.  Thanks to all those who contributed to the magazine! It is filed as a pdf document at:

AWS Forecaster Memo 300-005 now online
Single Station Analysis & Forecasting
Conversion Tables, Miscellaneous Chart

A History of the Military Polar Orbiting Meteorological Satellite Program

Air Force Weather Agency redesignated as 557th Weather Wing

Air Force Weather: Our Heritage, 1937-2012 Second Edition now available!

Air Weather Service: A Brief History 1937-1991 now available as well. 
Contains information not covered in any other history booklet.

 the 8th Air Force Museum 

 The Library section has been completely revamped to include links to all available printed material along with many new folders containing over 1000 images from our past.  Some of these images are before World War I with images from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Aircraft, Weather Instruments and Equipment and more.  Use the "Library" link on the left side menu to begin your visit.

Searching for WWII information?  Try this link.

 26WS photos circa 1944-45 courtesy Craig Kirwin
 Photos from Phillips Airfield, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD in 1955
 Photos from Soc Trang, Vietnam taken by Ken Daly back in 1964-1965.

The Air Weather Association is now on facebookfacebook


If you aren't an AWA member yet, applications for the $20 Lifetime Membership are at  

Want to see what the weather business was like in the early 1940's?
Many interesting images were found in the Library of Congress archives and have been put together here. 
The vast majority are of the Weather Bureau offices that were and to a certain extent still are at Reagan National Airport in Washington D.C.  You can take a trip back in time here.

Over 120 photographs from WW II and before...many illustrate pieces of weather equipment.

The AFWA History office has sent us numerous cd's with lots of historical information and images that are being cataloged here.  The first set to be stored is a 1st Weather Wing history from 1954 to 1968.  We also have, so far, a set of images that all have aircraft in them.  Many are from the 55th, 56th and 58th Weather Recon Squadrons.  No info is available other than the image so if you can provide some details, we will add that to the image.  The images have been shrunk down for the web but we have the high quality images available.  If you would like any of the images sent to you, please contact the webmaster.

Thanks to the AFWA History folks for giving us a great deal of information during the reunion.  A partial listing has been added with more to come soon.  They put together an "Air Force Weather Professional Reading List" on CD-ROM that is now available here for the first time.  These files are quite large and will take some time to download.  All are in Adobe PDF format. Click here for the latest.
AFWA complied a "Heritage Celebration" video that was previewed at the Omaha reunion banquet.  The video is available as a Windows Media download and as a Real Player download video.  Also available as a streaming video.  You will need Macromedia Flash to view the streaming video.

AFWA History office put together picture postcards for table decorations at the banquet.  Here are the complete series of photos throughout the years.  See them here!

Weather Tech Manual list and Equipment Listing


Chief Justice Rehnquist - AWA member

The Air Weather Association (AWA), a nonprofit, all volunteer association of nearly 5,000 past and present members of US Air Force Weather units including ANG, USAFR and US Army Air Corps units, salutes all individuals presently serving in US Air Force Weather units.
Please know that we support you and your mission.  We thank you for your great work, your sacrifices and those of your families, and for your commitment to duty, honor, country.
We send best wishes to you and your families for good health, safety, happiness and for great success in all endeavors worldwide.


The ROSTER is now available online for members only!  You will have to get a username and password to view the roster.  Please include your name in your request so it can be checked off the roster and then you will be e-mailed your username and password in a text file.  If the webmaster can't verify your name against the roster, your access will not be approved. Get your user ID and Password now.  Please keep in mind that the roster is a fluid document that is continually under revision.  It will be updated online periodically.  The revisions will have a date at the top of the pages to show when it was last updated.  Please DO NOT send any changes (address, phone, etc.) to the webmaster.  Any revisions to the database need to be sent to the AWA Locator, Al Mongeon, at:

If you received your username and password, view the Roster now!
Please remember, the user name and password have a mix of UPPER and lower case letters along with special characters.  You must enter them exactly as they were sent to you.

Visit the Weather Recon web site for news about the Air Weather Reconnaissance Association (AWRA).

 At the request of many AWA members, a Necrology (departures) section is added for the information of all members.  Submissions can be sent to the AWA Newsletter Editor.

For Locator info or Address change, Contact Al Mongeon

AWA Web Developer  Jim DeCarufel

news image

Reunion Pictures

ALL reunion pics
have moved.
Click here to see them.

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· AFW Newsletters
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